(project as seen on the Tombow USA blog www.blog.tombowusa.com)
i have been far too absent from this blog... but a new year's goal for me will be to update my blogs more often. so, to start the year off right i'm showing off my banner advent calendar.
on each flag is an activity that the family can do during the christmas season. some are generic, just in case we have to work around it. for example, there are two service nights and two christmas parties. some are more specific, with a movie to watch or something special to eat.
i made a tab that folds down over each one, to which i attached a piece of fastener adhesive made by tombow (a kind of velcro). then i made 25 numbers, also with fasteners on the back. at the start of the season i went through my calendar to figure out what nights already had something planned, and when we could fit in the other activities.
each day we pulled off a number to see what the activity for that night would be.
i loved that it was part of my decor for the season and served a purpose as well.